The Impact of Social Media on Adolescents
This blog focuses on the current obsession with social media in adolescents and the negative impact that it has on mental health and body image; as people strive for a high online rating with extremely unrealistic notions of what is considered to be ‘perfect’.
Our Recent Posts
Beyond Blue, 2018, Home, Beyond Blue, viewed May 12, 2018 <>
Bulling No Way, Facts and Figures, Bullying No Way, viewed May 13, 2018 <>
Lister, M, 2018, 33 Mind-Boggling Instagram Stats & Facts for 2018, WordStream, viewed May 7, 2018 <>
O’Keeffe, G S & Pearson, K C, ‘Clinical Report—The Impact of Social Media on
Children, Adolescents, and Families’, Pediatrics, 2011, pp. 800-804
Pasquale, A, 2017, Our Unhealthy Obsession with Social Media, Her Campus at University of Ottawa, viewed 20 April, 2018
Perloff, R M, 2014, ‘Social Media Effects on Young Women’s Body Image Concerns: Theoretical Perspectives and an Agenda for Research’, Sex Roles, Vol. 71, pp. 363-377
Sarah Fader, 2016, Social Media Obsession and Anxiety, Anxiety and Depression Association of America, viewed April 18, 2018
Additional Information
Get Help
If you, or someone you know is struggling with the stress and anxiety that is associated with social media and online bullying, there are several places where you can get help. Never suffer in silence, organisations such as BeyondBlue are in place to educate Australians about mental health and provide support to those who may need it.